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New Years Fitness Resolutions

With the holidays winding down and the New Year just around the corner many people will set their New Years resolutions. One very popular resolution that I hear year after year, people wanting to get in better shape and live healthier lifestyles. Our goal at Never Been Stronger is to give you tips and 'tricks' that will make your New Years Resolutions happen.

Soda & Coffee

When setting a New Years Resolution to achieve a healthier lifestyle, the first place to make adjustments is with nutrition. To see the results your after, small changes can be made to make a large impact. If you are a soda drinker, the first should be to cut soda out of your diet. Soda is filled with sugar which is an instant diet killer. Many people would feel much better by simply eliminating soda from their diet.

Another minor change that can go a long way is to drink black coffee instead of the creamer fat filled $6* coffee from Starbucks. Coffee has many very redeeming qualities for your overall health but when sugar, creamers, and artificial sweeteners are added it begins to lose those qualities. Some good qualities form coffee is the fact that your metabolism is boosted and your alertness is increased from the caffeine. You may come to find that body fat is decreased and you become more productive during your day.

Fad Diets

Another way to create better nutrition habits is to avoid the fad diets. You know, the diets out their promising to make you look like the people on the cover of magazines in a few weeks. Proper nutrition and eating quality foods will help you achieve your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long haul. The road to a healthy lifestyle does not go through fast food places and neither should you. I understand the convenience and sometimes it's the only option but limiting eating out will help you achieve your goals in fitness while also saving you money. One way to limit eating out or reaching in the cabinet for the first thing you see is by meal prepping. Meal prepping can save time and money by having healthy meals ready to eat or take on the go if needed.


The other side of nutrition is supplementation and the use of supplements to maximize the work you are doing in the gym. I fully believe in the use of supplementation. However, they should not be used to replace real food. All fitness goals can be met through a healthy well-balanced diet. In regards to supplements the only thing I ask is that you don't buy something based off the pretty colors on the bottle or the cool name. Ask the right question and doing the research to get the best product for you. At Never Been Stronger we are more than happy to answer any questions you have and we stand behind our product 100%.

Take Home Points

As you now know, when creating a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is a major part. However, exercising is a must. Besides, we all feel good after a good workout. Going into the gym with a plan of what to do, it can help maximize your workout and also save you time. If you are unsure what plan to follow or don't have a clue on what you need to do to achieve your goal I highly recommend consulting with a personal trainer. Through their personal experiences and the wide variety of clients they have worked with, a personal trainer will be able to set you up on the path to your ultimate goal. Many personal trainers are very flexible with their schedules and they are very affordable. Lastly finding a workout partner to hold each other accountable and push you in your workouts will help create consistency towards the end result.

I hope these tips and 'tricks' help you reach your goals and beyond. In fitness it's not just about reaching your goal but creating a lifestyle and inspiring others. You never know who may be watching.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

About the Author

Matt McVey is a fitness enthusiast who loves helping people reach their goals. Having gone through a big transformation himself, he understands the amount of work needed to reach your goals. Matt is the MXM at Anytime Fitness Peoria, a competitive powerlifter for #TeamFranklin, and a NESTA Certified Nutrition Coach. Matt is also a proud member of the Never Been Stronger team.

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'Tricks' - There is no tricks, it is simply learning what truly works and sticking with it!

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